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Laser for soft tissues
In modern dentistry, lasers occupy a significant place in surgical procedures, tooth treatments and aesthetic interventions. Laser technology represents evolution in medical technology and irreplaceable support for traditional dental techniques.
Nearly there is no branch of dentistry in which laser is not used today, starting with tooth repair, aesthetics, prosthetics and orthodontics treatments and mainly surgery. The effect of lasers on soft tissue is to provide less invasive, bloodless surgery with minimum of postoperative complications, and painless intervention.
What are the benefits of using lasers in dentistry
Lasers are quite effective in treating all types of infections (sterilization of the work field and biostimulative effect). Therefore, the treatment of gangrene, periimplantite (tissue infection around the implant) and disinfection of periodontal pockets is extremely successful with the use of lasers. The laser has a strong influence on the bacteria due to its anti-inflammatory properties and effects. Minimal aggression is the reason why patients tolerate incomparably better laser interventions.
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Laser for soft tissues
In modern dentistry, lasers occupy a significant place in surgical procedures, tooth treatments and aesthetic interventions. Laser technology represents evolution in medical technology and irreplaceable support for traditional dental techniques.
Nearly there is no branch of dentistry in which laser is not used today, starting with tooth repair, aesthetics, prosthetics and orthodontics treatments and mainly surgery. The effect of lasers on soft tissue is to provide less invasive, bloodless surgery with minimum of postoperative complications, and painless intervention.
What are the benefits of using lasers in dentistry
Lasers are quite effective in treating all types of infections (sterilization of the work field and biostimulative effect). Therefore, the treatment of gangrene, periimplantite (tissue infection around the implant) and disinfection of periodontal pockets is extremely successful with the use of lasers. The laser has a strong influence on the bacteria due to its anti-inflammatory properties and effects. Minimal aggression is the reason why patients tolerate incomparably better laser interventions.