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Total dentures on implants represent the therapy of choice for edentulous patients who have difficulty in stabilizing their dentures, have problems with chewing, are disgusted by dentures, and simply cannot and should not be without them. This combination ensures that the prosthesis in the lower jaw does not move, provides safety in chewing food, but also in aesthetics. Also, it enables greater durability and stability of the total prosthesis.
Total dentures on implants are made for edentulous patients. After the dental examination and analysis of the 3D image, it is assessed whether you have enough bone and what its quality is for implant placement. If you meet all the conditions, this type of prosthetic replacement can be performed.
Patients who wear full dentures oftenly have problems adapting to them. Sometimes the dentures are unstable, especially in the lower jaw, they move when speaking, and chewing with them is difficult. All these disadvantages are avoided by creating a total dentures on implants. Implants hold the denture in place and the functioning of the patient is facilitated, as well as the longevity of the denture itself.
The number of implants that will definitely be needed depends on the condition of the bone, and that assessment is made by the oral surgeon. When planning the fabrication of a denture on locators, it is necessary to know that the minimum number of implants that will carry the prosthesis in the lower jaw is 2 - that is, a total prosthesis on 2 implants, and 4 in the upper jaw.
The procedure of making a denture is relatively simple. The first stage of making a denture on locators involves the installation of two to four dental implants, followed by a rest period of at least four months for the fusion of the titanium screws with the jawbone.
In the next phase, the dental implants are opened, the appropriate attachments are screwed onto them, and rings are inserted into the prosthesis, which will be attached to the implant locators as drickers. The denture is usually made several months after the installation of the titanium screws, and in the intermediate period, the old dental denture is worn, which is softly supported after the installation of the dental screws.
In certain cases, a new denture can be made before the installation of dental titanium implants, which would be used during the period in which the dental implants fuse to the jawbone.
In patients where there is very little bone left for the installation of standard implants, mini implants are most oftenly used to stabilize the dentures. It is mostly about the lower denture. It is ideal to place 4 mini-implants in the lower jaw, but if there is not enough space, two mini-implants will mean a lot to the patient to prevent movement of the denture.
Sometimes it is also possible to place mini-implants in the upper jaw, but then it is necessary to place 6 mini-implants, so that the denture can be reduced and to eliminate its so-called "palate". If the patient has a problem with the upper denture in terms of stability, but there is no problem with the palate remaining - 4 mini implants can be placed to fix the prosthesis.
In the case that the patient is not sure whether he wants fixed or mobile work, or simply does not currently have the financial means for fixed work, then standard implants can be placed on which the balls that carry the denture are placed, and they can be replaced later with other components for fixed work, which, for example, is not possible with mini implants. Then it is necessary to place 4 implants in the upper jaw and 2 in the lower jaw.
There is no absolute contraindication to making dentures on implants. Potential limitations in some cases may be in patients in whom implant placement is contraindicated, and these are mostly elderly patients with chronic systemic diseases, so certain medications they use daily may be contraindicated for this oral-surgical procedure. In consultation with the oral surgeon, it will be determined whether there is an obstacle for this intervention.
Do you have questions?
Total dentures on implants represent the therapy of choice for edentulous patients who have difficulty in stabilizing their dentures, have problems with chewing, are disgusted by dentures, and simply cannot and should not be without them. This combination ensures that the prosthesis in the lower jaw does not move, provides safety in chewing food, but also in aesthetics. Also, it enables greater durability and stability of the total prosthesis.
Total dentures on implants are made for edentulous patients. After the dental examination and analysis of the 3D image, it is assessed whether you have enough bone and what its quality is for implant placement. If you meet all the conditions, this type of prosthetic replacement can be performed.
Patients who wear full dentures oftenly have problems adapting to them. Sometimes the dentures are unstable, especially in the lower jaw, they move when speaking, and chewing with them is difficult. All these disadvantages are avoided by creating a total dentures on implants. Implants hold the denture in place and the functioning of the patient is facilitated, as well as the longevity of the denture itself.
The number of implants that will definitely be needed depends on the condition of the bone, and that assessment is made by the oral surgeon. When planning the fabrication of a denture on locators, it is necessary to know that the minimum number of implants that will carry the prosthesis in the lower jaw is 2 - that is, a total prosthesis on 2 implants, and 4 in the upper jaw.
The procedure of making a denture is relatively simple. The first stage of making a denture on locators involves the installation of two to four dental implants, followed by a rest period of at least four months for the fusion of the titanium screws with the jawbone.
In the next phase, the dental implants are opened, the appropriate attachments are screwed onto them, and rings are inserted into the prosthesis, which will be attached to the implant locators as drickers. The denture is usually made several months after the installation of the titanium screws, and in the intermediate period, the old dental denture is worn, which is softly supported after the installation of the dental screws.
In certain cases, a new denture can be made before the installation of dental titanium implants, which would be used during the period in which the dental implants fuse to the jawbone.
In patients where there is very little bone left for the installation of standard implants, mini implants are most oftenly used to stabilize the dentures. It is mostly about the lower denture. It is ideal to place 4 mini-implants in the lower jaw, but if there is not enough space, two mini-implants will mean a lot to the patient to prevent movement of the denture.
Sometimes it is also possible to place mini-implants in the upper jaw, but then it is necessary to place 6 mini-implants, so that the denture can be reduced and to eliminate its so-called "palate". If the patient has a problem with the upper denture in terms of stability, but there is no problem with the palate remaining - 4 mini implants can be placed to fix the prosthesis.
In the case that the patient is not sure whether he wants fixed or mobile work, or simply does not currently have the financial means for fixed work, then standard implants can be placed on which the balls that carry the denture are placed, and they can be replaced later with other components for fixed work, which, for example, is not possible with mini implants. Then it is necessary to place 4 implants in the upper jaw and 2 in the lower jaw.
There is no absolute contraindication to making dentures on implants. Potential limitations in some cases may be in patients in whom implant placement is contraindicated, and these are mostly elderly patients with chronic systemic diseases, so certain medications they use daily may be contraindicated for this oral-surgical procedure. In consultation with the oral surgeon, it will be determined whether there is an obstacle for this intervention.