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Denture repair includes all procedures on damaged or unusable dentures with the aim of restoring them to function. Whether it's a broken denture base, broken denture teeth, or any other damage, you need to see your dentist. It is important to emphasize right away that not all damage of the denture can be repaired, so sometimes it is easier and more efficient to decide to make a new one.
Damage of the denture can occur during function (during chewing), due to carelessness (falling of the prosthesis during cleaning), due to an error in the planning of the prosthesis itself and in laboratory production. Due to changes in the mouth over time, the material does not fit exactly against the mucosa and this leads to breakage. One of the causes of denture damage is material fatigue. Over time, the prosthesis may become partially or completely unusable due to changes in the supporting tissues (tooth extraction, large resorption of the alveolar ridge, etc.).
Some damages can be repaired, but sometimes the production technology is so complex and lengthy that in those cases it is more rational to make a new denture. The dental practice and your dentist will give you the best explanation in each individual case.
If you are among the patients who wear dental prostheses, there is a possibility that you have once encountered damage to the materials from which the dentures are made. Dentures are most often made of acrylate (a type of high-quality plastic) or a combination of metal and acrylate. As the years pass, dentures suffer from the forces of chewing and therefore it is possible that some damage may occur over time. The good news is that in most cases these damages can be repaired.
Cracking at the base of the denture - This is a damage that patients often do not report to the dentist for the reason that they can continue to function unhindered with such a prosthesis. It is possible to repair the crack in an easy and quick way, and this will prevent it from spreading further and possibly breaking off the entire part of the prosthesis.
Fracture of the denture base – After a long period of time, the supporting tissues change causing the denture to no longer fit properly in your mouth. This results in the improper transmission of chewing forces to the gums and thus to cracking. If your denture breaks, visit your dentist. Of course, there are also extreme situations when the denture can no longer be repaired after years and years of wear.
Fracture of the metal hook – this part of the denture is used to attach the denture to the remaining teeth. After using the denture for a long time, the material fatigues and the hook breaks. If after a while you notice that the hook no longer fits firmly on the tooth, you should also contact your dentist, so that the hook can be tightened and the prosthesis can fit firmly in your mouth again.
Tooth breakage – the plastic teeth in the denture can break if you bump into a hard piece of food while chewing. In this case, it would be good to save the tooth that fell out of the denture, because it is possible to put it back in the denture in the same place. If you failed to save the broken tooth, the dentist will replace it with a new one.
If you don't have any problems with wearing your dentures, be sure to visit the dentist once a year for a check-up.
The repair procedure is more or less simple, but it is only part of the dentist's duties. Determining and eliminating the causes that led to the damage of the dental prosthesis is the most important part of this clinical phase. If we do not determine and eliminate the causes of damage, the repaired prosthesis will be damaged very soon again in the same or in similar way.
Base fracture repair is the most common intervention for damaged acrylic dentures. Fracture of the base occurs more often in the lower jaw (the base is much narrower, so it breaks more easily). A fracture along the medial line is most often caused by an irregular bed, due to resorption of the alveolar ridge. The Dental Plaza Dental Clinic is here to quickly determine the cause of the fracture and offer you the best solutions for further repair.
Do you have questions?
Denture repair includes all procedures on damaged or unusable dentures with the aim of restoring them to function. Whether it's a broken denture base, broken denture teeth, or any other damage, you need to see your dentist. It is important to emphasize right away that not all damage of the denture can be repaired, so sometimes it is easier and more efficient to decide to make a new one.
Damage of the denture can occur during function (during chewing), due to carelessness (falling of the prosthesis during cleaning), due to an error in the planning of the prosthesis itself and in laboratory production. Due to changes in the mouth over time, the material does not fit exactly against the mucosa and this leads to breakage. One of the causes of denture damage is material fatigue. Over time, the prosthesis may become partially or completely unusable due to changes in the supporting tissues (tooth extraction, large resorption of the alveolar ridge, etc.).
Some damages can be repaired, but sometimes the production technology is so complex and lengthy that in those cases it is more rational to make a new denture. The dental practice and your dentist will give you the best explanation in each individual case.
If you are among the patients who wear dental prostheses, there is a possibility that you have once encountered damage to the materials from which the dentures are made. Dentures are most often made of acrylate (a type of high-quality plastic) or a combination of metal and acrylate. As the years pass, dentures suffer from the forces of chewing and therefore it is possible that some damage may occur over time. The good news is that in most cases these damages can be repaired.
Cracking at the base of the denture - This is a damage that patients often do not report to the dentist for the reason that they can continue to function unhindered with such a prosthesis. It is possible to repair the crack in an easy and quick way, and this will prevent it from spreading further and possibly breaking off the entire part of the prosthesis.
Fracture of the denture base – After a long period of time, the supporting tissues change causing the denture to no longer fit properly in your mouth. This results in the improper transmission of chewing forces to the gums and thus to cracking. If your denture breaks, visit your dentist. Of course, there are also extreme situations when the denture can no longer be repaired after years and years of wear.
Fracture of the metal hook – this part of the denture is used to attach the denture to the remaining teeth. After using the denture for a long time, the material fatigues and the hook breaks. If after a while you notice that the hook no longer fits firmly on the tooth, you should also contact your dentist, so that the hook can be tightened and the prosthesis can fit firmly in your mouth again.
Tooth breakage – the plastic teeth in the denture can break if you bump into a hard piece of food while chewing. In this case, it would be good to save the tooth that fell out of the denture, because it is possible to put it back in the denture in the same place. If you failed to save the broken tooth, the dentist will replace it with a new one.
If you don't have any problems with wearing your dentures, be sure to visit the dentist once a year for a check-up.
The repair procedure is more or less simple, but it is only part of the dentist's duties. Determining and eliminating the causes that led to the damage of the dental prosthesis is the most important part of this clinical phase. If we do not determine and eliminate the causes of damage, the repaired prosthesis will be damaged very soon again in the same or in similar way.
Base fracture repair is the most common intervention for damaged acrylic dentures. Fracture of the base occurs more often in the lower jaw (the base is much narrower, so it breaks more easily). A fracture along the medial line is most often caused by an irregular bed, due to resorption of the alveolar ridge. The Dental Plaza Dental Clinic is here to quickly determine the cause of the fracture and offer you the best solutions for further repair.